
Reports of Promo-LEX Association and ADC Memorial on Moldova submitted to the UN CESCR and UN CRC

Promo-LEX Association and ADC Memorial submitted their joint reports to the 62 Session of the UN Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and to the 76 Session of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The joint submission presented to the Committee on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the specific situation of Roma education in Moldova and points out the main challenges existing at the time of submission, such as issues related to pre-school education, school enrollment and attendance and quality of the education and school dropout.

Promo-LEX and ADC Memorial concluded that the Government doesn’t have a solution and relevant policies to uniform practices related to pre-school education, also lacking sufficient funding. The law attendance is caused by migration, lack of monitoring mechanisms by the state authorities and documentation formalities.

To this end, efforts to end discrimination, to ensure inclusive education and positive measures to stimulate children’s interest, facilitate the learning in Romanian language, prevent interruption of studies and school dropout and decrease the level of seasonal migration, should be thoroughly enhanced.

The joint submission presented to the Committee on the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights focuses on women’s discrimination and specific inequalities in relation with so-called “prohibited or dangerous work”, which negatively affects women, causing particular disadvantages in access to work.

The joint submission stressed out that Gender stereotypes are tenfold dangerous when they are rooted in laws and other normative acts. It is obvious that both, the Classifier of industries, professions and works in difficult and harmful conditions, which are prohibited for women; and the Classifier of occupations, are normative acts affected by gender stereotypes. Stereotypes promoted by the above-mentioned documents not only restrict women’s access to labor, but they also create a false impression in the society that these restrictions, along with gender roles are normal and should be generally accepted in the modern society.

Promo-LEX and ADC Memorial recommended the Government to repeal its Decision no. 264 of 06.10.1993 by which was approved the Classification of industries, professions and works in difficult and harmful conditions, which are prohibited for women.

Ministry if Labor, Social Protection and Family should modify and complete its Order No.22 from 03.03.2014by which was adopted the Classification of occupations of the Republic of Moldova, in such a way that the names of occupations are presented both in the masculine and feminine forms.