
January 19. Day of remembrance and fight

An action in memory of killed anti-fascists Anastasia Baburova and Stanislav Markelov will take place in St Petersburg on the 19th of January. Unfortunately, the city municipalities did not agree on a marching that is why a picket will be held. The participants will meet at the Gorkovskaya metro station at 6 p.m. and then will go together to the Sakharov square where an agreed picket will be held at 7 p.m.

January 19 is a day of memory of killed anti-fascists: in 2009 a lawyer Stanislav Markelov and a journalist Anastasia Baburova were killed by Nazis. Nikolai Girenko, Timur Kacharava, Ivan Khutorskoy, Aleksandr Ryukhin and others killed by Nazis are to be remembered on this day. While the society keeps silence and ignores “inconvenient” issues, representatives of minorities, foreigners and anti-fascists are killed.

We have more powerful weapon than Nazis’ knives and guns or political repressions, and this is solidarity. Joined activities and mutual support is our answer to ideology of inequality and terror. Stanislav Markelov’s words are still important today: “We need protection from Nazis, protection for mafia-style authorities, protection from law-enforcement agencies who often support them. We all need protection, and we all understand that nobody can give it to us, neither God, nor tsar, nor law, only we ourselves”.

In December 2011 during mass protests against electoral fraud we saw ultra-right wing trying to look good at the meetings of protest organising committees and the demonstrations. Fascism conforms to any situation and changes masks but does not change its sense.

We protest against fascism in all its kinds and forms!

We protest against the politics of discord and indulgences towards Nazism by any authorities and stand up against repressions against public activists and anti-fascists. Anti-fascist fight is an inherent part of a fight for right to vote for those who do not have it. Baburov and Markelov proved this by their lives.

We remember about the victims of Nazi terror. And to remember means to fight.