
The seminar-training in Dushanbe

In Dushanbe on 27 February 2013 a training-seminar related to the issues of practical application of the migration legislation in the Russian Federation, and organised by«Centre for Human Rights» of Dushanbe and ADC «Memorial», took place. The lawyers of Centers of assistance to migrants, NGO representatives, representatives of the Committee for Women Affairs, the Migration service of the government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the human rights commissioner’s office in the Republic of Tajikistan as well as international organizations representatives, participated in the training. Practical issues relative to staying and employment of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, migrants’ access to the education, medical services in the Russian Federation as well as some changes in the migration legislation of the Russian Federation were discussed at the training. ADC «Memorial» has already been carrying out the project on defense of rights of ethnic minorities on the territory of the Northwestern Federal District for four years. During this period employees of our organization constantly deal with and fight the abuse of labor rights of the migrants from Central Asia, fraud on the part of intermediary organizations, blackmail and abuse of rights on the part of the police officers, FMS and other structures. This experience allows to analyze the most often arising migrants’ problems, to find the best solutions and to make up the plans for practical mini-seminars for groups of labor migrants, during which our employees succeeded to gather even more information about difficulties of life and work in Russia. Most of the themes which were discussed at these mini-seminars were taken as a basis of the program of the training.