
Seminar of ADC «Memorial» on civil activists rights protection took place in Murmansk

On 29 September 2012 in Murmansk the seminar-training for activists from various public initiatives and organizations – antiracists, antifascists, ecologists – took place. Within the framework of the seminar lawyers of Antidiscrimination Center “Memorial” told about opportunities of protection in the courts on administrative offences, carried out a training for defenders, gave the examples in practice of ADC “Memorial”. During the seminar also an illegal appliance of antiextremist legislation, violence and outrage of police, illegal criminal persecution of activists were problematized.

The special attention was given to recent changes in the legislation, strengthening a responsibility for violation of the rules of conduct of public arrangements. The lawyers of ADC “Memorial” marked the opportunity of persecution of various sorts of non-political activity (for instance, flashmob organizers) under the new law, what was already repeatedly applied in saint-Petersburg and another regions. Seminar participants told about problems of lodgment of notifications about public events carriage in Murmansk, about difficulties with which local activists encounter (for instance, about prohibition of any demonstrations within the city boundaries), asked questions about the practice of protection from violations at the hands of administration and police.


1. The order of lodgment of notification about public events carriage, difficulties and illegal rejections.

2. Administrative repressions towards the activists. How the modifications about outdoorsy events carriage in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses works.

3. How to be a defender in the court on administrative offence – training for defenders.  

4. Antiextremist legislation, practice problems of its appliance. Crimes owing to hatred, strengthening of persecutions for offences of the religious feelings.

5. Public campaigns in furtherance of persecuted activists.

6. Criminal indictment of activists – protection possibilities. Particularities of witness state. Interaction with advocate.

7. Persecution and protection of certain groups of activists, LGBT-activists, flashmobs participants.