
As it is well-known, Russia is a member of the Council of Europe and actively signs and ratifies many conventions and agreements obligating Russia to ensure that the rights and freedom of its citizens are protected. The same protections apply…

Under the general title of “socially significant diseases” the following ones are normally listed: tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), malignant neoplasms, pancreatic [insular] diabetes, mental disorders and postural deformities, high blood pressure….

A seminar with this topic took place in the city Volzhskiy in the Volgograd region from 1 to 5 of June, 2005. To represent us our staff members Vera Beljavskaja and Antonia Syxovskaja participated therein.

Because I hold a scholarship of the “Open Society Institute”, I had the possibility to spend a two monthly internship at the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) in Budapest/ Hungary.

In the North-Western Center for Social and Legal Protection of Roma two Romani human rights activists are pretty well-known: Vera Belyavskaya and Antonina Sukhovskaya. From every new task Vera and Antonina gain even more experience about the work with the…