This report focuses on the situation of migrant workers in general and Roma migrants in particular in Russia, and on the discrimination these two vulnerable groups face in accessing social and economic rights. It is based on information gathered by…
In the past, light blue and pink were simply the happy colors of childhood: children sang of the blue brook or the pink elephant, not thinking to give these simple words a more complicated meaning. Nowadays, even first-graders know that…
Anti-racism: They were “joking”…
Lawyers from ADC Memorial have filed to initiate proceedings regarding the posting of flyers with extremist content in the city of Opochka, Pskov Region.
The story of the fight to preserve a spontaneously-built Roma settlement in the city of Chudovo, Novgorod Region, has continued for more than a year. But now, at last, it seems that the light at the end of the tunnel…
On December 6, 2008, a legal seminar involving people from all over the Russian Federation, conducted within the framework of the project “Legal Help for Caldarari Roma Settlements in Russia,” took place at ADC “Memorial.”
CULTURE: The Large Ivanov Family
In the village of Rubilovo in the Pskov region, four Romani families have lived for twenty years. In the past, the adults from these families worked in the kolkhoz, but now their only income is from child and incapacity benefits. Occasionally they manage to earn extra income…