Every year the issue of access to school education becomes more interesting to the Romani population of Russia to whom we provide legal assistance. However, while education is becoming more essential to our society every year, access to it sometimes…
Guest Number
Today’s guest is Timur Khalilov. He is a student at Kuban State University and a recipient of a grant from the Roma Educational Fund. In general, he represents a new generation of young Roma who have successfully integrated into modern society.
I would like to say a few words in response to one of our reader’s letters on the issue of sexual assault, to talk about physical violence against women, about rape, and about the devastating consequences—irreparable damage, both psychological and…
Today we will be talking about a topic that is often perceived as shameful—about how people should react to a man who has been the victim of sexual violence.
A seminar was held at ADC “Memorial” on March 22, 2008 for lawyers working within the framework of the project “Legal Help for Kelderari-Roma with Regard to Housing.” Given that the project is developing all over Russia, lawyers not only…
Celebration in Leskolovo
Although the aim of International Roma day is to present a political message, the day has recently come to be regarded also as a time for celebration. We therefore try to create a day that combines celebratory cultural activities, which promote the need for…