Publication about us

The French Internet blog devoted to a problem of violence in the Russian Federation, has published article about infringement of the rights of labor migrants, on materials of monitoring spent ADC Memorial  

On December, 18th, 2010 the MEMORIAL has passed a seminar in office ADTS, devoted to xenophobia and discrimination overcoming, protection of human rights and counteraction to nationalism. Representatives of Commonwealth of youth of Dagestan in Sankt-Peteburge, journalists have taken part…

As antifascist activists marked the fifth anniversary of the murder of the 20-year-old antifascist activist and punk musician Timur Kacharava on Saturday, they claimed that they are under increasing pressure from the police, while the threat of attacks from nationalist…

Today marks the International Day for Tolerance. ZAKS.Ru gives opinions on whether our city is more tolerant nowadays.  The representatives of national communities and experts, including from ADC “Memorial” give their opinions.    They beat less, but tolerance did not increase. (the…