
ADC Memorial raised the problem of protecting the rights of ethnic minorities in Central Asia at an international conference in Almaty

The international conference “Turning Points in Eurasia: Geopolitics, Economics and Civil Society in Central Asia – Current Situation and Future Prospects” took place on August 28-29, 2023 in Almaty (Kazakhstan).

The conference provided leading international experts and civil society leaders in Central Asia with a broad platform to discuss such topics as the impact of the Russian war against Ukraine on the region; trends of political development in Central Asian countries; the participation of civil society in the reform and modernization processes; the respect for fundamental rights in countries of Central Asia; the situation of vulnerable groups (minorities, migrants, people with disabilities).

The speech of the ADC Memorial expert was devoted to the experience of international advocacy in defence of the rights of ethnic minorities in Central Asia: the Dungans in Kazakhstan, the Pamirs in Tajikistan, and the Karakalpaks in Uzbekistan.

The conference was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the leading human rights organization in Central Asia – the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law.