
New hearing on Girenko’s murder to take place

On February 2, 2012 the Judicial Division for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation will consider the cassation appeals of the convicted A.M. Voevodin and A.A. Prokhorenko on the verdict passed by the St. Petersburg City Court that, based on the guilty verdict by the jury, sentenced them both to life imprisonment for a series of crimes, including killings motivated by national hatred and the murder of expert-antifascist N.M. Girenko.
Earlier, at the hearing on January 19, Voevodin’s and Prokhorenko’s appeals were moved to a separate cassational proceeding, in order to ensure their right to defence. Attorneys from the Chamber of Lawyers in St. Petersburg, who are collaborating with ADC “Memorial”, will represent the interests of E.N. Kalinova, daughter of the murdered scholar N.M. Girenko.