
Presentation of board game ‘Russia – country of opportunities?’ in Moscow

On 7 June 2012 in the group ‘Citizen’s Assistance’(Moscow) a presentation of board game ‘Russia – country of opportunities?’ took place. Employees and volunteers of the organization highly appreciated the game and gave some ideas about making the game available for more people. For example, it would be great to present it to Moscow senior schoolchildren: during teenage period people start understanding social problems including problem of migration. If children, playing the game, could feel what it’s like to be a migrant, it would help them to learn tolerance and respect to human rights.

An employee of ADC ‘Memorial’,Nazarshoeva, had a meeting with representatives of diplomatic delegations, public and commercial organisations, state organisations working in field of migration and with labour migrants on territory of Moscow and Moscow region (Embassy of Kyrgyzstan and Tadzhikistan in the Russian Federation; Representative Office of Migration Service of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation, work group on migration of Community Council at the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan, Interregional Public Organisation ‘Professional Union of labour-migrants working in building, housing and communal sector and similar services’, Information-legal centre ‘Migrtation and Law’, Russian Public Movement ‘Tajik Labour Migrants’, Fund of humanitarian help ‘FOKUS’(embassy in the Russian Federation), Labour Exchange Centre ‘Support – Friendship’). Employees of these organisations learnt about work of ADC ‘Memorial’ in field of defence of migrants’ rights, got information materials published by ADC ‘Memorial’ on migration topic. 

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