
The Barents Observer: Barents Observer opens another door through Russia’s censorship wall

Говорит баренц (Talking Barents), an audio-version of all Russian language news made available via podcast services, is the latest move to reach our Russian audience, says Atle Staalesen, founder of the Barents Observer.

Following its blockage in Russia, the Barents Observer took Roskomnadzor to court. With support from the human rights group ADC Memorial, a suit was filed this summer.

“We support the Barents Observer’s decision not to unpublish this story from its website; we think that the interview with the gay Sámi man is very important and the ban of this article is a clear case of discrimination”, said Director of ADC Memorial, Stephania Kulaeva.

The newspaper lost the case in the Moscow City Court in July last year and in the Moscow appeal court in August this year. The case is now appealed to the Russian Supreme Court.