
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child addressed a List of Issues to the government of Ukraine

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child published the List of Issues on compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which will be discussed when considering the state report by Ukraine in 2021.

The List includes questions about the rights of migrant children, in particular, about measures on replacing the outdated Chisinau agreement on the return of unaccompanied migrant children to their countries of residence (2002) with bilateral intergovernmental agreements that should comply with modern Human Rights standards, as well as about abolishing the unacceptable practice of placing migrant children in reception centers regulated by the National police. These issues were raised in the alternative report by ADC Memorial and the Center for Social and Gender Studies New Life and in a presentation at the Committee’s 87th pre-session.

In their statement, the Human Rights experts also expressed their concern about the recent situation when dozens of Hasidic families with children were not allowed to make a traditional pilgrimage to Ukraine and had to spend quite a long time in no man’s land in open air.

Respect for migrant children’s rights is the theme of ADC Memorial’s  campaign #CrossBorderChildhood.