Privacy policy

Who we are website, available at, belongs to the Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial”, which is registered at the following address:

Rue d’Edimbourg 26
Brussels 1050

You can contact us by email at:

What personal data we collect and for what purpose

Contact forms

Our website uses the contact form at the following address: Data sent through this form is not saved and not stored on the website. Messages, including email addresses provided by the sender as the return addresses, are sent to the organization’s email address and are used exclusively for replies to these messages.

Cookie policy

Our site uses the following cookies:

GOOGLE ANALYTICS cookies. We use anonymous data collection for analyzing traffic and user behavior. Detailed information about Google Analytics cookie data is available at the following link.

WPML plugin cookies. We use these to identify the language preferred by the visitors and the most recent visits to our website by language. More detailed information can be found at the following link.

You can disable saving cookie data on our website in your browser.

Built-in content from other websites

Articles on this website may include embedded content from other websites (for example videos, images, articles, etc.), which behaves as if the visitor were visiting another
site. These websites may collect your data, use cookies, embed additional tracking for third parties and analyze your interaction with embedded content, including tracking interactions if you have an account record or if you are logged in on those websites.

In order to improve interaction with our audience ADC “Memorial” uses social media, including a plug-in to our Facebook page and Twitter feed. These social media can collect and use personal data of visitors in accordance with their own privacy policies. Details of Twitter’s privacy policy are available at the following link. Detailed information about Facebook’s privacy policy is available here.

Web analytics

We use Google Analytics for analytical purposes. Detailed information on the data collected by Google Analytics can be found at the following link.

With whom we share your data

We do not share your data with third parties or individuals. However, if you subscribe to our free email newsletter, we save your email addresses. For the distribution of the newsletter we use the MailChimp service, which can store your information in accordance with their own policy for protection of personal data. Detailed information is available at the following link.

For how long we store your data

If you use the feedback form on our website or subscribe to our newsletter, your email address is saved for an indefinite period of time. This data is needed to provide communication feedback.

What are your rights concerning your personal data

You can request, correct or delete the personal data you provided. This can be done by contacting us at You can unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking the “unsubscribe” button in the body of the email or by writing to us at:

Сontact information

All queries about personal data can be sent to

Additional information

How we protect your data

All elements of our website use encrypted communications based on SSL/HTTPS protocol. This means that any interactions of our users with the server cannot be intercepted by third parties.

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