On December 21st, at 19.30 the 15 days of administrative arrest after protests against electoral fraud have finished, and Filipp Kostenko, activist and employee of ADC Memorial, had to be released, but he was not.
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Iranian citizen deported after demonstration

On December 6th, 2011, Bijan Musavi, citizen of Iran, was arrested during protests at the Gostiny dvor square. He and other arrestees were transferred to the police departments and then to the court which sentenced Bijan for a fair.

Press Release Anti-Discrimination Center Memorial International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Tajikistan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law Migrant workers must not be held hostage to the Russian-Tajik political crisis Paris, St Petersburg, Dushanbe, 23…

On November 4-5, a conference, dedicated to the problems of the education of the Roma children and improvement of its quality, took place in the office of the Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial.” Directors and teachers of the schools with a large…

Recently ADC “Memorial” held a roundtable discussion dedicated to the successful experience of the appeal to the European Court on Human Rights on the violation of foreign citizens’ rights in detention centres (http://memorial.spb.ru/www/3305.html?lang=en). Regardless of Russia’s admission to inhumane conditions…

On September 7-12, 2011 XXIV Moscow International Book Fair – one of the biggest book fairs in the world – took place in Moscow. ADC Memorial was invited to participate in the conference by the Senior Human Rights Advisor to…