In recent years school №71 in Astrakhan implemented the program for pre-school education for Roma children. Preparatory groups for kids are designed for pre-school children and they are being recruited through older children, who already attend the school, or through…
Theme: Roma rights
Annual conference of Roma students
On July 2-3, 2013 annual conference of Roma students – recipients of scholarships from Roma educational fund was held in Saint Petersburg. More than 50 people from various regions of Russia, Moldova and the Ukraine had a chance to meet…
Suleyman Yanopol lives in a Kotlyar Roma encampment in Chudovo, Novgorod region. He is now completing his school education and is getting ready to follow in the footsteps of his older brother and go to college. In his hometown he…
International Romani Day in Chudovo
This year celebrations of International Romani Day were organized in Chudovo, Novgorod region, by Suleyman Yanopol, a local volunteer and activist, who now works as an assistant teacher for the first grades of a school in a local Roma…
International Romani Day in Samara
International Romani Day was celebrated in several cities and towns in Russia, among them Samara. On this occasion the staff of ADC “Memorial” joined these celebrations. Samara region is home to several Romani population groups: Kotlyar (Căldărari) Roma dwelling in…
ABC/primer of Romano language
This primer is called “Romano Alphabet”. For many people, it will be a discovery that one can write in the Romani language, and this delusion has its own explanations: for the most part, the Romani languages exists only in oral…