
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child concerns about the situation of migrant and Roma children in Belarus

The issue of immigration detention of children raised in the alternative report by ADC Memorial is included into the List of Issues addressed by the UN CRC to the government of Belarus.

The Committee asks to specify the steps taken to review the legislation and practices concerning children in situations of migration to ensure the best interests of the child in asylum procedures and in case of return, end immigration detention, ensure education and psychological assistance and support migrant families to prevent family separation. The Committee requires updated statistical disaggregated data on vulnerable groups of children, including those in immigration detention centres.

During the pre-session in May 2019, ADC Memorial raised the issue of Roma children rights, in connection with the recent anti-Roma raids and mass arbitrary detention of Roma in Belarus. Before, ADC Memorial covered the issue of social vulnerability of Roma populaitno in Belarus in the alternative report to the UN CERD, including the problem of separation of families recognized as “being in socially dangerous situation”. The CRC requested from the government of Belarus detailed information about the grounds amounting to “socially dangerous situation” and measures on guaranteeing of the rights of vulnerable children, including Roma ones.

The state periodic report will be examined at the 83rd session of the UN CRC in January, 2020.