
Alternative information on Belarus’ implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in connection with the review of the 5-6th state reports (2017) by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

For the upcoming 83rd session of the UN CRC and the review of the situation of children’s rights in Belarus (January 2020), ADC Memorial prepared an alternative report on the problem of immigration detention of children. In Belarus, the outdated Chisinau Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS States on the Return of Children to Their State of Residence (2002) is in force so far; according to the Agreement, repatriation of children is conducted through the Juvenile Reception Center run by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, minor foreigners and children – citizens of Belarus while repatriated are placed behind the bars just because of their immigration status, without access to education. This situation contradicts the modern standards of the Rights of the Child.

After the pre-session, the Committee will sent the List of Issues to the government of Belarus.