
“Magnolia-TV” (Ukraine): Violence and bullying. Why thousands of children have to live in orphanages

Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” continues its series of publications within the framework of the project “Promotion of modern international standards of children’s rights: deinstitutionalization and humanization of closed institutions in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine”. This time we present a program by Magnolia-TV, which was made with the support of ADC Memorial and deals with boarding schools as places of deprivation of freedom for children left without parental care. What reforms are required for the successful deinstitutionalization of children? In what this system should be changed? How the rights of orphans are to be protected?

“Promotion of modern international standards of children’s rights: deinstitutionalization and humanization of closed institutions in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine” is a project of ADC Memorial and partner organisations (supported through the EaP Civil Society Forum Re-granting Scheme (FSTP) to Members and funded by the European Union as part of its support to civil society in the region). Within its Re-granting Scheme, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) supports projects of its members that contribute to achieving the mission and objectives of the Forum. Grants are available for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Key areas of support are democracy and human rights, economic integration, environment and energy, contacts between people, social and labour policies.



This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the responsibility of ADC Memorial and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.