
The documentary “The Gold of Shoria” by Vyacheslav Krechetov was awarded at the XV International Festival of Human Right Documentary Films “Bir Duino-2021”

This pandemic year, the XV International Festival of Human Rights Documentary Films “Bir Duino-2021” was titled “Human Rights in time of risks and disasters”. 45 films from 17 countries were submitted for the competition. During the four days of the festival, 4-9 December 2021, the 26 selected works were evaluated by the audience and the jury.

In the nomination “The best film on social, economic and cultural rights”, the prize was awarded to Vyacheslav Krechetov’s film “The Gold of Shoria”, created with the support of ADC Memorial. The film tells about an environmental disaster in Southern Siberia, where coal and gold mining companies cause irreparable harm to the Shors, an indigenous small-numbered people of Russia. The Shors have been living for centuries on the territory of the contemporary Republic of Khakasia and Kemerovo Region, but their traditional way of life, language and culture are threatened.

The festival has become a bright social and cultural event not only for Kyrgyzstan, but also for the entire region. The audience had the opportunity to discuss films that raise various Human Rights issues: social and gender inequality, destruction of nature and traditional way of life, military conflicts, the vulnerability of people in front of the pandemic and totalitarian regimes, and others.

As in the previous years, various discussions of experts, Human Rights defenders, and representatives of civil society were organized and dated to the Bir Duino festival.

ADC Memorial congratulates the Bir Duino team on organization of an excellent and bright festival, and Vyacheslav Krechetov on the success of his film!