
October 30 – Political Prisoner’s Day

On Political Prisoner’s Day, ADC Memorial publishes a video paying tribute to the Tolstoyans repressed in Leningrad in the 1930s. They gave their freedom and then their lives for their beliefs: refusing to serve in the army and rejecting all forms of state violence. During interrogation, they openly stated:

“I am opposed to all the violent measures of the Soviet government, which I see in the obligatory service in the ranks of the Red Army and in the forced socialisation of agriculture on the basis of the liquidation of the kulaks. […] Regarding the discussions that took place in my apartment between like-minded people on issues of criticism of the measures of the Soviet government, I refuse to testify, and I do not plead guilty” (Petr Petrovich Zelenkov).

Zelenkov Petr Petrovich, 1893 – 1937.

Born in 1893 in the village Yablonitsy in Yamburg county, St. Petersburg province. Comes from the peasants, former tsarist army officer. Responsible for industrial training of the 181st school. Lived in Leningrad, st. Skorokhodova, house 7, apt. 2. Arrested on February 28, 1933. Convicted by the OGPU troika in the Leningrad Military District on April 14, 1933, under articles 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced to 10 years of correctional labour work. He served his sentence in the Bamlag, worked as a head of the geodetic workshop unit of the Survey Department (town Svobodny). On October 15, 1937, by the NKVD troika in the Far Eastern Territory was sentenced to capital punishment for “carrying out counter-revolutionary agitation”. Shot in BAMlag on October 27, 1937.

“[At our meetings] mainly the measures of the Soviet government and the party in the field of the collectivization of agriculture were criticized. We considered them to be a manifestation of violence against the working masses of the countryside” (Leonid Andreevich Adler).

Adler Leonid Andreevich, 1894 — 1937.

Born in 1894 in Ulyanovsk; Russian; was not a member of any political party. Head of the training group of the trust Lensnabstroy. Lived in Leningrad. Arrested on the 3 of January 1933. On April 14, 1933, by the Troika of the OGPU PP in the Leningrad Military District was convicted under Articles. 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced to 5 years in a concentration camp. He served his sentence in the Bamlag and worked as a heading library collector of the cultural and educational department (town Svobodny). On November 15, 1937, he was sentenced to capital punishment for “carrying out counter-revolutionary agitation” by a troika at the UNKVD in the Far Eastern Territory. Shot on the 12 of February 1937. Place of burial – Bamlag.

“In my opinion, I do not recognize Soviet power with the presence of armed forces, GPU organs, prisons and the death penalty” (Vladimir Eliseevich Yekshursky).

Yekshursky Vladimir Eliseevich, 1889 — 1937.

Born in 1889 in St. Petersburg. Teacher of the 209th school. Arrested on the 28 of February of 1933. On April 14, 1933, by the Troika of the OGPU PP in the Leningrad Military District was convicted under Article 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and sentenced to 10 years in a concentration camp. He served his sentence in the Bamlag, worked in the central research laboratory, and then as a hospital attendant. On October 15, 1937, a troika at the UNKVD in the Far Eastern Territory was sentenced to capital punishment for “carrying out counter-revolutionary agitation.” Shot on 26th of October 1937. Place of burial – Bamlag.