The Moscow Times: Svetlana Medvedeva gained national attention after the Samara River Passenger Enterprise refused to hire her because of her gender. With assistance from with the St. Petersburg-based Anti-Discrimination Center Memorial (ADC) NGO, Medvedeva fought a five-year legal battle…
All jobs for all women campaign news
Discussion on Women’s Labor Rights

On March 6, 2020 discussion on women’s labor rights was held at the premises of “International Memorial” in Moscow, where videos produced as part of the #AllJobs4AllWomen campaign were also presented. Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” also presented its review of the…

The present document covers two main issues: gender discrimination in employment and conservative gender stereotypes leading to early marriages, selective abortions and other adverse consequences.
Starting 2021, a shorter list of industries, jobs and professional positions prohibited for women will enter into force in Russia. However, diving operations, unfortunately, still feature on the list of these prohibited occupations. In November 2019, an international conference on…

Starting 2021, a shorter list of industries, jobs and professional positions prohibited for women will enter into force in Russia. However, diving operations, unfortunately, still feature on the list of these prohibited occupations. In November 2019, an international conference on…

Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” provided alternative information to the United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on observance of women’s rights in Moldova. ADC “Memorial” also welcomed cancellation of the list of professions prohibited to women in…