A trial that opens today and sees a 31-year-old female navigation officer sue a Russian shipping company who refused to employ her as a ship’s captain, represents a landmark challenge to Russia’s sexist and outdated labour regulations, said Amnesty International….
All jobs for all women campaign news

On July 24th 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation approved the appeal lodged by Svetlana Medvedeva and called for a retrial in the case of the refusal from the Samara river passenger company to hire the woman as…

Evgenia Markova fought for her right to work in Russia as a truck driver for a long time, and achieved her goal despite the law banning this profession as “hazardous for women”. In the video clip (made specially for ADC…

Guissou Jahangiri (Afghanistan), vice president of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), in her video statement in support of the campaign all-jobs4-all-women says about hard economic situation of women in Tajikistan; there is high unemployment, hundreds thousands residents of…

Evgenia Markova fought for her right to work in Russia as a truck driver for a long time, and achieved her goal despite the law banning this profession as “hazardous for women”. In the video clip (made specially for ADC…
Bulletin № 57, April 2017

All Jobs for All Women Join the Campaign of ADC Memorial #AllJobs4AllWomen Participants and supporters of the Campaign Support of the campaign in the EU Women’s rights CEDAW UN recommends Ukraine to review the ban on certain professions. Press release…