

Ust-Abakan tragedy

Problems of Roma people are rarely reported on TV or in the press, and if they are being discussed, then, as a rule, the media often use negative stereotypes and myths that have little to do with real life. An…


Turning on oneself

American society has finally paid attention to the cruel treatment of migrant children separated from their parents at the border with Mexico: children there are kept in isolated premises behind metal nets and they are not given legal assistance. US…

On the eve of the FIFA world cup, the hesitation between a feeling of hope and a feeling despair grew stronger for those who are fighting for the release of political prisoners. Especially since the hope for a “gift” from…

Discussing seriously the writings of Ulyana Skoybeda [reporter of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” newspaper, infamous for her racist remarks] is probably bad tone in itself. Racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and hatred towards Ukrainians, migrants, liberals … This is hardly interesting at all…

In the past, when I had to write about various art protests, artivists and their actions, their right to speak out and criticize, I usually started by saying that I was not trying to estimate the artistic value of a…


State mistrust

Starting 2018 various state prohibitions either came into effect or, on the contrary, were abolished in different countries. For example, according to a report by Alternative News of Turkmenistan website, this country have forbidden women to drive cars: “Traffic police…