
Staring the middle of November a very special atmosphere reigns in Holland – expectations of a holiday among all the children and all those people who have children – the upcoming birthday of St.Nicolas. On the night of December 5-6…

“Old man Le Pen came to Russia. Some people suspect he has some business here, but he said he came to visit friends. Back in the Soviet days Kremlin hated his guts, calling him almost a fascist. But the world…


No songs needed

The war in Eastern Ukraine is horrible. Deaths of people, both military and civilian, are horrible. Horrible mutual hatred, fear, lies, crimes… Horrible destruction, disappearance of a whole region. Ukrainian army suffering from hunger and cold is a horrible sight….


Justice on demand

On October 1 and 2, 2014 Saint Petersburg city court considered legal appeals on two separate cases, in which the prosecuted were accused (among other things) of violations described in Article 111 Section 4 of the Criminal Code of the…

Russian government decided to disband the Ministry for regional development. Various explanations are being discussed, among them the cuts in government apparatus, desire to avoid doubling of administrative responsibilities or the top officials’ tiredness of the constant requests made by…