
On Monday, February 21, 2011 at 13.30 in the Independent press-centre (Moscow, Prechistenka, 17/9) a press-conference “What will the art group Voina receive – state award or prison sentence?” will take place. Human rights activists and art historians will discuss…

In 2010, volunteer from the Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial, Birte Lampart, suggested a new and unexpected initiative: she invited her friends, who practice capoeira, to work with Roma children – the residents of the settlement of Peri. Capoeira is something between…



On February, 15th, 2010 the seminar-training “The Rights of the Child and Tolerance at School” for 8th grade pupils from school № 228 of Admiralteysky district, St.-Petersburg took place in Pushkin’s library. The seminar was prepared and held by the…

I moved to Russia from Kazakhstan and prepared all the documents to apply for Russian citizenship. I got registered in the migration office with the help of a mediator company (there are plenty of them now). The company Imperiya Prava…

The Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial has launched a new project on “Legal help to ethnic Koreans from the former Soviet republics” (together with the cultural autonomy of the Koreans in St Petersburg and with support of the consulate general of South…