
This conference, organised by the Northwest Centre for the Social and Legal Protection of the Romany People, was held on 22 September 2003 at Aleksandrovskaya secondary school, in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg. The seminar was attended by teachers…

It is possible that some of you are aware that, starting in June 2003, “Memorial” has implemented a program of free medical assistance to elderly people of gypsy (Roma) origin in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad and Pskov regions.

We continue to tell about schools where Gypsy children study. Today the discussion is about School No. 414 in the village of Volodarka. It recently became fifty years old. By today’s measures, the school is small – almost 300 children…

Diverse work on getting children of various nationalities, including gypsy children, to go to school has long been going on at School 462 in Pushkin region. Today the third generation of gypsies living in Alexandrovskaya is studying at the school,…