OPEN LETTER To the Governor of St. Petersburg V.I. Matvienko
Javen saste! Medical care for elderly Gypsies As we wrote in our last bulletin, now that “Memorial” is a partner organisation of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), it has set up a programme to provide medical care to…
International news
International news Gypsies are often referred to as the “forgotten victims of the Holocaust”. In early December 2003, in the Jewish Holocaust Museum, an exhibition opened in memory of Gypsies killed during the Second World War. The exhibition – devised…
In the media, Gypsies are often presented as a “criminal people”, “swindlers”, and “drug dealers”. Russian newspapers and television channels do all they can to avoid seeing anything joyous or positive in the Gypsy people.
The Northwest Centre for the Social and Legal Protection of the Romany People presents a new educational project. In 2004, with the support of our long-time partners, the French organisation CCFD, our Centre will begin working in several schools…
Seminar “Gypsies and Education”
This conference, organised by the Northwest Centre for the Social and Legal Protection of the Romany People, was held on 22 September 2003 at Aleksandrovskaya secondary school, in the Pushkin district of St. Petersburg. The seminar was attended by teachers…