In August 2021, amendments to the Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation and other legislation regulating the legal status of stateless people came into force (Law No. 22-FZ of February 24, 2021, entered into…
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openDemocracy: A Soviet-era law banning women from more than 200 jobs has finally been overturned in Kazakhstan. But the fight for gender parity is not over …The ban was originally established in the 1930s, when Soviet legislators argued that to…
European States and regional institutions need to step-up and commit to clear actions to protect the rights of all children to a legal identity and nationality. This includes children born in conflict zones, for whom creative solutions to the specific…
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today concluded its consideration of the ninth periodic report of the Russian Federation, with Experts commending policies in favour of the family and women, and asking about gender-based violence, and the…
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today concluded its consideration of the fifth periodic report of Kyrgyzstan, with Committee Experts asking about the country’s list of jobs which women were prohibited from holding, and about the participation…
A2 cultural Czech biweekly: Zlato nad zlato
Dopady sibiřské zlaté horečky: Současná těžba zlata na Sibiři má dalekosáhlé ekologické i sociální důsledky. Nejde přitom jen o devastaci divoké přírody, ale také o ničení kultur původních kmenů. Ruské úřady nicméně nad katastrofickou situací spíše zavírají oči. Ruská Sibiř…