
Rights of children migrants in the focus of international discussion

In June in Chisinau at the basis of the Association for Child and Family Empowerment – AVE Copiii and with support of Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, Bureau for Migration and Asylum of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ombudsperson for Child Rights Protection of Moldova the international seminar was organized within the campaign of ADC Memorial started on June 1 #CrossborderChildhood.

The main focus of discussion was the contemporary forms of child protection in the situation of migration and the need for new humane opportunities for regulation of child return to the countries of their origin. The representatives of state bodies (Migration services of Moldova and Ukraine, ministries of social protection from both countries) and civil society took part in the conference.

The head of human rights organization Defense for Children International (DCI) Benoit Van Keirsbilck conducted the training on the child migrants rights monitoring in the detention facilities (including child reception centers, social orphanages which children prohibited to leave, hospitals, where children migrants are placed without any medical prescription and others).

The campaign #CrossborderChildhood calls for review of procedures in force of repatriation of children between Ministries of Internal Affairs. The campaign encourages to abandon pricing children in transition reception centers under Ministries of Internal Affairs and other places of freedom restriction and to adopt bilateral agreements between countries, based on the principles elaborated by UN Committee on the Rights of the Children and Council of Europe.