
Side-event: Children of Ukraine – facing war, migration, separation

ADC Memorial invites participants of Human Dimension Conference organized by ODIHR OSCE to the side-event

side-event 03.10.2022, 14:00 – 15:00, Meeting Room 5 Opera (launch is going to be provided)

The coalition “Child Rights in Ukraine” and the coalition “Ukrainian Child Rights Network” with the support of ADC Memorial organise a discussion about the best way to protect Ukrainian Children Rights in the difficult time of war, migration and relocation.

In 2022, children in Ukraine face new reality: Aggression of Russia followed by the brutal war has been destroying their childhood, some lost their lives or got wounded in violent attacks against Ukrainian cities and villages, others were forced to migration, lost homes, got separated with their family members.

During the side-event on the 3rd of October the new documentary animation film “We have left. Voices of Ukrainan children” is going to be shown for the first time.

Children require special protection in the conditions of mass migration. ADC Memorial with the partners runs the campaign #CrossborderChildhoodUA, aiming to ensure that all places that accept child refugees from Ukraine develop and implement comprehensive measures to protect minors from the risks of sexual exploitation, child trafficking, forced labor, and family separation. Children need a safe environment, they must receive education, medical care and psychological support.

Experts from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lutsk and other cities of Urkaine will share their vision of the problem and present the best practices in protecting the rights of children of Ukraine.