Bulletin № 44 December 2013 The number contains the following articles: Defence of the NGO’s The court recognized “expression of opinion” by human rights defenders as political activity despite the protests of the UN Russia marks Constitution Day by court ruling a human rights NGO...
Bulletin № 43 October 2013 The number contains the following articles: Roma rights Program for pre-school education of Roma children in Astrakhan region by Gulnayem Bisaliyeva Annual conference of Roma students
Bulletin № 42 July 2013 The number contains the following articles Human rights journalism Hunting foreign witches. By Stefania Kulayeva News ADC “Memorial” continues its work International news 38th Congress of FIDH in Istanbul Human rights defenders visit Azerbaijan FIDH mission – Repressions against NGOs...
Bulletin №41, March 2013 Executive summary: Human rights publications Hatred of political actors to minorities is a serious reason for objections Stephania Kulaeva International events Discrimination of «visual minorities», roma, migrants and indigenous people: Russia’s report for the UN. The recommendations of the UN...