Lawyer’s closing speach in Girenko case
Speech of lawyer Tseitlina, representative of E.N.Kalinova (daughter of N.M.Girenko) in the case against the gang of Voevodin and Borovikov accused in killing N.Girenko
Speech of lawyer Tseitlina, representative of E.N.Kalinova (daughter of N.M.Girenko) in the case against the gang of Voevodin and Borovikov accused in killing N.Girenko
Annually Roma children from the settlement in Peri make wonderful performances on International Roma Day. Usually these concerts are organised in the Leskolovo culture centre. Colourful Roma dances, songs and performances attract many people. This year the young Roma prepared…
As it is well-known, Russia is a member of the Council of Europe and actively signs and ratifies many conventions and agreements obligating Russia to ensure that the rights and freedom of its citizens are protected. The same protections apply…
In the North-Western Center for Social and Legal Protection of Roma two Romani human rights activists are pretty well-known: Vera Belyavskaya and Antonina Sukhovskaya. From every new task Vera and Antonina gain even more experience about the work with the…
In 2009, 20 years will have passed since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations. This anniversary provides us with a wonderful excuse to turn our attention to the problem of children’s rights,…
To the memory of our colleagues : statement of Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” On the 14th of June, the Saint-Petersburg city court sentenced the murderers of Nikolay Girenko, researcher, expert and defender of the rights of ethnical minorities. Voyevodin, organizer of…