In July 2014 European Court on Human Rights (ECtHR) has made several important rulings on appeals made by citizens of the Russian Federation concerning conditions of custody. One of the appeals was a result of common work of the lawyers…
Russian Special Institutions for the Temporary Detention of Foreign Nationals (SITDFN): inhuman and degrading conditions

The topic of detention centers is important not just for Russia, since migrants are deemed “illegal” in many countries, and the unacceptable conditions of their detention remain an unresolved problem. In the key ruling in the case of Kim v. Russia, the ECHR noted violations of articles 3 and 5 of the European Convention. The Court obligated Russia to take general measures to establish regular judicial control over detention periods and improve detention conditions for prisoners in these centers.
ADC “Memorial” in cooperation with attorneys Y.Serov and O.Tseytlina is constantly working to protect the rights of prisoners detained at the Saint Petersburg Aliens Detention Centre. This detention center is not different from any prison and people held there (sometimes…
Deportation instead of investigation: courts ruled to deport victims of human trafficking
Veronica M., a citizen of Cameroun, was to be released on October 4, 2013 after three years she had spent in the Center for detention of foreign nationals in Saint Petersburg, but she ended up in the same detention center…

Authorities from the Russian Federation have admitted to violating terms by detaining, arresting, and mistreating aliens after the ADC Memorial filed against them last year. Russia admitted violations of Articles 3, 5.1, 5.4 and 13 of the European Convention for…