Theme: discrimination


Structural discrimination against Roma

Poor education, unemployment, poverty, raids, pogroms and other manifestations of racism, arbitrary police behavior, demolition of homes, and lack of documents—this has been the reality for generations of Romani people. These factors not only blend together, but also reinforce one...

Tolerance Versus Fear and Exclusion

This marks the 25th year that the UN Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, which was adopted at the UNESCO General Assembly in 1995 to “generate public awareness and emphasize the dangers of intolerance,” has been in effect. The first article...

Bulletin № 67, 2019. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION

On One Hectare Olga ABRAMENKO OSCE ODIHR session discussed anti-Roma outbursts in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus Protection of the rights of victims of the anti-Roma pogrom in Ust-Abakan Valery ZAITSEV Police raids against Romani people in Belarus Pavel SAPELKO The...