Michał Piróg: Jadąc na mundial, nasi piłkarze zostali ambasadorami kraju, który ma krew na rękach Szlag mnie trafia, że te same firmy, które na Zachodzie wspierają organizacje LGBT, na Wschodzie gubią swoje zaangażowanie, bo tak wygodnie i bezpiecznie. Wkurza mnie,…
Theme: LGBTI rights

Over the past few years on the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” together with its partner organizations has drawn attention to repressions, which take place in a situation of de facto lawlessness and arbitrariness: in…

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN CERD) published its concluding observations and recommendations to Kyrgyzstan following the consideration of the country’s official state report during the 95th session of the Committee on April 23-24, 2018. The…

In line with EU policy of consulting civil society ahead of the event, ADC “Memorial” contributed to the 11th EU and Georgia annual Human Rights Dialogue that took place in Brussels on 25 April 2018 in presence of the EU…
POLITICO: Letter from Kiev. The double-exile of Dr. Anton “Life for this middle-aged, soft-spoken doctor had become unbearable in his hometown of Donetsk, a frontline city held by Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine. His decision to leave, however, was not…

Specially for the campaign #AllJobs4allWomen a woman, who had been fired from a printing shop following the change of sex and the change of information on sex in her passport from “male” to “female”, told her story of discrimination. Her…