Amnesty International Ukraine joined the campaign against homophobia in Chechnya and Donbas #StopLGBTpersecution, launched by ADC Memorial, the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) and FIDH. “We express our solidarity and support to LGBTIQ people in Chechnya and Donbas who are…
Theme: LGBTI rights

For twenty years, June 26 has marked International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Despite being outlawed in most countries, torture, unfortunately, is still widespread. Of particular concern is evidence of the use of torture against detainees, prisoners, and…
France Inter about the campaign #StopLGBTpersecution in CHECHNYA and DONBAS
Freedom, resistance, solidarity and LGBT

Excited by the recent searches of the Gogol Center and, especially, the apartment of the famous theatre director Kirill Serebrennikov, as well as by the police attention to the company of another director, Alexey Uchitel, the Russian blogosphere fluctuated from…
C. : On se retrouve dans une situation totalement paradoxale où la Russie – pays qui a illustré, il y a quelques années, son homophobie dans une loi « anti-propagande gay » – se retrouve à jouer le gendarme sur le sujet dans…
#StopLGBTpersecution fleurit sur les réseaux sociaux Un kit média, un auto-portrait, et c’est tout un symbole qu’on draine avec soi… L’Anti-Discrimination Center (ADC) Memorial, le Center for Civil Liberties et la Fédération internationale des droits de l’homme ont lancé le…