Joint press release FIDH and Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU) (Paris) On March 3, 2016, the Supreme Court of the annexed Crimean Republic will consider banning Mejlis, the highest representative body of the Crimean Tatar community, accused of “extremist…
Theme: minorities’ rights

Over the past two years, members of the Crimean Tatar nationality and anyone involved in their self-government, the preservation of their cultural heritage, and their fight for their rights and freedoms have faced relentless persecution in Crimea. Many members of…
UN Forum on Minority Issues
On 24-25 November, 2015 the UN Forum on Minority Issues, a special event held within the framework of the UN Special Rapporteur on minorities, took place in Geneva. The eighth session of the Forum was devoted to the challenges faced…

ADC “Memorial” with support from the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has prepared report to the 111th Session of the UN Committee on Human Rights devoted to violations of civil and political rights of minorities, including ethnic groups, migrants,…
Exit seminar of ADC “Memorial”

On March 4 ADC “Memorial” has held an exit seminar for migrants from Uzbekistan living in Krasnoselsky district of Saint-Petersburg. Same as with previous exit seminars, ADC “Memorial” staff has tried to talk about topics most interesting and useful to…
The seminar-training in Dushanbe

In Dushanbe on 27 February 2013 a training-seminar related to the issues of practical application of the migration legislation in the Russian Federation, and organised by«Centre for Human Rights» of Dushanbe and ADC «Memorial», took place. The lawyers of Centers…