The alternative report “Ukrainian Women: Caught Between New Challenges and Long-Standing Discrimination,” which was prepared by ADC Memorial with support from the Centre for Social and Gender Research (Kyiv), was submitted to the UN Committee on the Elimination of all…
Theme: women’s rights
Si se consagra el cambio legal, Rusia será el país con la legislación más laxa de Europa en la materia. Y toma esta deriva pese al toque de atención de la ONU, que en varias ocasiones ha urgido a las…
Joint press-release FIDH and its member organisations ADC Memorial and Civil Society Institute (Armenia) Comments on the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women findings on Armenia and Belarus Brussels-Erevan-Paris, 22 November 2016. The UN Committee on the…
Alternative report of the Civil Society Institute and Anti-discrimination Centre Memorial prepared for the 65th Session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 2016. The authors would like to thank New Generation, PINK Armenia, and Mission Armenia…
For the 65th session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Dicrimination against Women, ADC Memorial with the assistance of Her Rights Center submitted alternative report “Discrimination against Women in the Employment Sphere in Belarus”.
Inessa Sakhno Over a period of about a month and a half during autumn 2016 in some countries the admissibility of abortion has been repeatedly opposed to public morality, and the woman’s right to choose was opposed to the right…