
The discussion “How the lives of the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia are being destroyed” was held during the OSCE/ODIHR conference

On October 3, 2022, during the annual OSCE/ODIHR Conference in Warsaw, ADC Memorial organized a side event on the rights of the indigenous peoples of Siberia. The participants of the meeting were shown a film “Shor Gold” by Vyacheslav Krechetov. The film is about the destructive activities of coal and gold mining companies, as a result of which the indigenous people of the Shors can no longer lead a traditional way of life.

Dmitry Berezhkov, an invited expert on the rights of indigenous peoples (Indigenous Russia), devoted his speech not only to the problem of the destruction of the natural environment and, as a result, the traditional way of life and identity of indigenous peoples, but also to new challenges associated with Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. Forced mobilization to participate in the criminal war poses a threat of the physical destruction of indigenous peoples, who are already dramatically small-numbered.