
Wartime Safety Rules for Children: Comic Strip Instructions

A publication of ADC Memorial to mark World Children’s Day on November 20.

To mark World Children’s Day on November 20, ADC Memorial will start releasing comic strip instructions for children in Romani, Ukrainian, Russian, and Romanian. These instructions will help explain wartime safety rules so that even young children who have just started learning how to read can protect themselves from danger, find shelter, and learn the differences between dangerous objects like mines and missiles.

Illustations by Yulia Vus

The ADC Memorial team is working to help children in isolated, insulated communities in Ukraine, where war became a threat to every person’s life in 2022. Including, unfortunately, children. People who are less well-informed than others and, accordingly, less protected, including national minorities, suffer particularly in acute situations like this. For example, many children in Roma settlements have not returned to school after they stopped attending at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, and many do not know Ukrainian well, which means they do not receive the information about safety measures that they need

We hope these comic strip instructions will help children in Ukraine better understand the situation and remember simple but important steps and rules. We tried to select words, images, and formats that will be most clear to any child.

We plan to publish the comics in installments on our website and on social media; the entire comic strip will be issued by December 10 to mark Human Rights Day. At that time, you will be able to download an electronic version of the comic strip in a language convenient to you. We hope you will recommend this comic strip to your acquaintances and read it with your children, adapting it to your situation and landscape.

This comic strip is part of our #CrossborderСhildhoodUA campaign.