The main Belgian newspaper De Morgen writes about the results of the campaign of ADC Memorial #alljobs4allwomen and calls them the “exceptional victory for the Russian women’s rights movement.” The newspaper interviews Svetlana Medvedeva who, in cooperation with ADC Memorial,…
All jobs for all women campaign news
On June 18, 2019 the Russian Ministry of Labor sent a document to the Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, which is coordinated by Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. The updated list of professions contains…
Combating discrimination against women at work. #AllJobs4allWomen at the Vth Gusov Readings
On May 30, 2019, international scientific-practical conference “Typical and atypical employment: perspectives of research and legal regulation” (Vth Gusov Readings) was held in Moscow. It was combined with the annual XIIIth Conference of “Lawyers for Labor Rights” association. One of…
“Norma” legal website informed that starting May 1, 2019 prohibitions on hiring women in certain industries and occupations have been lifted in Uzbekistan (see Art. 225 of the Labor Code of Uzbekistan and the list of professions). Instead of the…
RT: The list of jobs women in Russia are banned from doing will see an almost a six-fold reduction, with the ladies now getting a chance to pilot planes, drive trains and handle heavy construction machinery. “Labor conditions at many…
Sky News: This week, after a two-year legal battle, a court in St Petersburg ordered the Janoshka printworks to give Ms Vasilyeva her job back and to pay her 1.85 million roubles (£22,000) in lost income and 10,000 roubles (£120)…