According to Radio Azattyk, a new draft Labour Code has been submitted to the Jogorku Kenesh (Supreme Council) for consideration, as the existing Labour Code adopted 20 years ago does not respond to modern realities. At the moment, the Labour…
According to Radio Azattyk, a new draft Labour Code has been submitted to the Jogorku Kenesh (Supreme Council) for consideration, as the existing Labour Code adopted 20 years ago does not respond to modern realities. At the moment, the Labour…
Paris, Brussels, Bishkek, 7 March 2024 Until recently, labor laws in many Eastern European and Central Asian States banned women from hundreds of professions. Since 2017, a number of States have abolished these lists of prohibited occupations; in Russia, Belarus…
Having considered the state report of Turkmenistan at the 87th session, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women gave the country’s authorities important recommendations on many articles of the Convention. A number of them relate to gender…
After reviewing the state report of Tajikistan at the 87th session, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women published recommendations to the country’s authorities. The Committee is concerned about the obstacles that the authorities of Tajikistan are…
In 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan abolished the odious List of jobs prohibited for women (Resolution No. 865-1 of 06/10/2019 “On invalidation of the List of jobs with unfavorable working conditions in which the use of female labor…
Ahead of the review of the state report of Tajikistan by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the 87th session of CEDAW will begin on January 29, 2024), the authorities have lifted a number of professional…