Women in Russia are banned from a total of 456 jobs considered dangerous to their health. However Russian President Vladimir Putin says the distinction between men’s and women’s work is an outdated cliché. Watch video
All jobs for all women campaign news

The report Gender Discrimination – Jobs Banned for Women was presented during public hearing at the European Parliament on the discrimination of women in the employment sphere in Eastern Europe and countries of Central Asia. Issued within the campaign of…

The report analyses the «lists of jobs banned for women», discriminative by laws inherited from the Soviet legislation and acting in many countries of former USSR. Issued within the campaign of ADC Memorial #allJobs4allWomen
The right to work has no Gender. Hearing at the European Parliament, Brussels – 6th March 2018

Tuesday 6 March 2018 – 16:00-18:00 European Parliament – Room A5G315 The right to work has no Gender: All Jobs for All Women Moderator: MEP Clare MOODY, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Delegation to the EU-Armenia and…
“Russian Railways” proposed to abolish the list of “unfeminine” professions, the company’s representative is quoted as saying in a recent publication of the corporate newspaper “Gudok”. Piotr Potapov, head of the department for labor protection, industrial safety and environmental control…

According to the list of occupations prohibited for women adopted by the Russian government, women in Russia are not allowed to be directly engaged in extinguishing fires. This professional activity is indicated in the list of professions prohibited for women…