Beginning March 1, 2022, women in Russia were able to work as flight mechanics, flight engineers servicing planes and helicopters, and mechanics for devices, electrical equipment, and radio equipment. The Russian Labor Ministry published the corresponding order. An updated list of…
All jobs for all women campaign news
Starting March 1, 2022, female aircraft mechanics and technicians will be able to work in Russia in their chosen professional occupation. According to the new order issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the…
Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” welcomes the decision of the Government of Kazakhstan to cancel in the near future the list of jobs prohibited for women. This measure to eliminate discrimination against women became one of the points of the “Plan of…
fluter. In den 1970er-Jahren wurden in der Sowjetunion so wenige Kinder geboren, dass der Staat ein Berufsverbot für Frauen aussprach. Fortan waren ihnen 456 Berufe untersagt, die als gefährlich „für die reproduktive Gesundheit“ galten. Heißt: Frauen sollten nicht körperlich arbeiten, sondern gebären und erziehen. (Also auch…
Arbetaren: Fler jobb till ryska kvinnor
Från och med januari i år har kvinnor i Ryssland rätt att arbeta bland annat som lastbilschaufför, sjökapten och lokförare. Listan från 1974 med förbjudna yrken för kvinnor, som hänvisar till att de kan skada deras “reproduktiva hälsa”, har uppdaterats…
The report raised the issues as of non-recognition and insufficient support for ethnic minorities (Pamir, Yaghnob, Mugat (Jughi)); discrimination against women at work (the list of professions prohibited for women); discrimination against LGBTI+; insufficient support for Tajikistan migrants working abroad…