ADC Memorial welcomes the concluding observations and recommendations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for Tajikistan, following the 93rd session of CERD UN, 31 July – 11 August 2017. The problems raised in the alternative report…
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On August 3-4, 2017 the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) reviewed the reports of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the relevant convention. The Committee took into account alternative materials, including the report prepared by…
On July 24th 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation approved the appeal lodged by Svetlana Medvedeva and called for a retrial in the case of the refusal from the Samara river passenger company to hire the woman as…
Press release Paris – Moscow – Kyiv – Geneva, 14 July 2017. ADC Memorial, CrimeaSOS and SOVA Center, together with FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) reported to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) blatant problems…
This report by the ADC Memorial examines the problems faced by some of Tajikistan’s ethnic minorities who (unlike, for instance, Uzbeks, or Kyrgyz, or Russians who also live in Tajikistan) do not have their own state: Jughi, Pamiri, and Yaghnobi….
For twenty years, June 26 has marked International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. Despite being outlawed in most countries, torture, unfortunately, is still widespread. Of particular concern is evidence of the use of torture against detainees, prisoners, and…