Anti-Discrimination Centre “Memorial” monitors the situation in the village of Cheremza in Kemerovo region, where on June 13, 2020, confrontation occurred between the local residents and the “Kuznetsky Yuzhny” open pit coal mine, which had decided to build a coal…
Paris-Geneva, July 28, 2020 – On July 25, 2020, eminent human rights defender Azimjan Askarov died in custody, after a decade behind bars. Until the end, and despite his critical health status and repeated calls for his release, authorities refused…
During its 78th pre-session, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) compiled lists of questions to Russian and Uzbek authorities. The members of the Committee drew special attention to the particularly vulnerable position of women during…
Only two weeks have passed since the illegitimate vote to amend the Constitution, and Russian laws are already being subjected to further amendments: Under the pretext of “strengthening the institution of the family,” the government is proposing additional amendments to…
On July 13, 2020, the 78th pre-session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women took place. As a result, the Committee will formulate questions for countries whose official reports will soon be considered, including Russia. At…
In 2020, the European Union began to develop a new strategy to overcome the continuing discrimination and inequality faced by LGBTI+ people. The initiative is based on the List of actions to promote LGBTI Equality, which ran from 2015 to…