Ahead of our forthcoming #LockedinLimbo campaign event in Strasbourg on 11 October, ENS talked to Stephania Kulaeva, Director of ADC Memorial, an ENS member organisation working with stateless people in the countries which were part of the former Soviet Union….
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Daher dürfen in Russland nur Männer arbeiten, wo es laut und dunkel ist. Doch jetzt hat eine Russin das Recht erkämpft, Kapitänin zu werden – und die Berufsverbote wanken. Von Frank Nienhuysen “Diese Berufsverbote wurzeln in Stereotypen, die Frauen in…
In Russia, It’s a Woman’s Job to Challenge Soviet-Era Labor Laws. It took Svetlana Medvedeva five years to fight for her right to become a captain After being rejected by the shipping company, Medvedeva immediately contested the decision with little…
A trial that opens today and sees a 31-year-old female navigation officer sue a Russian shipping company who refused to employ her as a ship’s captain, represents a landmark challenge to Russia’s sexist and outdated labour regulations, said Amnesty International….
The Independent: The state deems them to be too ‘dangerous’ or ‘harmful’ to their reproductive health
Infant’s death remained uninvestigated
St. Petersburg city court has upheld an earlier court decision and refused to open a criminal investigation into the death of a 5-month-old Tajik baby Umarali Nazarov, who had died in a hospital where he had been sent from a…