
Amnesty International Ukraine joined the campaign against homophobia in Chechnya and Donbas #StopLGBTpersecution

Amnesty International Ukraine joined the campaign against homophobia in Chechnya and Donbas #StopLGBTpersecution, launched by ADC Memorial, the Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) and FIDH.

“We express our solidarity and support to LGBTIQ people in Chechnya and Donbas who are victim of oppression and violence. The repression must stop, and the guilty parties must be brought to justice.

Homophobic violence threatens LGBTIQ on a daily basis in Chechnya and in uncontrolled territories of Donbas in Ukraine. Along with the campaign #StopLGBTpersecution we seek to draw attention on the situation and support the victims”.

Oksana Pokalchuk, Amnesty International Ukraine