
Easter in Roma settlements during the quarantine

Romale, take care of yourself, follow the quarantine! Happy Easter!

Orthodox Easter, traditionally celebrated by the Roma communities in our region, is coming. During the coronavirus pandemic, a key concern is the health of the inhabitants of the compact settlements, often there are no conditions and possibilities to follow the protective measures. Moreover, the risk of disproportionate police measures is high due to prejudices against Roma as “tending to violate the quarantine rules and spread virus”.

In order to prevent these risks, ADC Memorial prepared Easter greetings with instructions on how to protect everyone’s health in these troubled times. The video in Romani language was made with the participation of Yanush Panchenko (In Vlakh dialect), Elena Marchuk and Aleksandr Kleyn (In Russka/Polska Roma dialect).

Romale, the important holiday – Easter – is coming!

These days are troubled: many are dying from the dangerous disease –  covid-19. A lockdown is announced in many countries. To protect yourself and your families, it is necessary to stay at home, to avoid walking outside. If you need to go somewhere, it is essential to wear protective masks and to wash hands as often as possible.

This year Easter won’t be as usual: it is dangerous to gather in big groups. It is not possible to visit others or go to church. The religious authorities have urged believers to pray at home and to follow the liturgies via TV or the Internet. Easter will be celebrated at home – everyone will cook the delicious treats, color the eggs and bake Easter cakes. It is obligatory to wash everything thoroughly, while food products, such as meat, fish, and eggs should be bought only in the shops to ensure that they are clean and safe.

If you need to see you relatives and neighbors, please, be careful – do not go inside the houses, but just wave from the doorway, say each other kind words and wish happiness and health. Do not come close to each other, do not shake hands, do not kiss and do not give other households food and Easter eggs. All this is very unusual, but you have to be patient. A person could spread disease, not knowing that he is contagious. This is very dangerous, especially for the elderly.

Quarantine is a law for everyone. You should not violate it, the police checks the compliance with quarantine, and it will identify the violators and punish them. There will be other joyful holidays when the quarantine is over. But these days the most important is not to spoil Easter for yourself and your families, for everyone to stay healthy and celebrate the holiday at home!

We wish you all the happiness, health and freedom! Happy Easter!